More homes are needed considering the population increase. It is better to build house on the current cities or is it better to construct new houses in the countryside ?
It is undeniable fact that shelter is the basic necessity for survival. In the contemporary era with the growing population the need for constant more homes arises. It is often argued whether to construct houses in developed cities or rural areas. However in my contention houses can be build in both cities as well as in countryside.

Apparently accommodation in cities not only open doors full of opportunities in terms of career, but also gives a chance to inculcate the modern lifestyle. Houses in cities are much more vibrant as compare to suburbs. Secondly, in this modern era where all corporate giants are located in metro cities if a person's house is also located within city then it becomes easy for him or her to commute as cities usually have access to outstanding transportation facility. Living in city is exponentially rising these days due to high salaried jobs, latest fashion, fancy culture as compare to suburbs. To vindicate, as per BBC 80% of people prefer to stay within cities and 50% like to invest in real estate in city.
Even though the glam of city is attractive still people like to build houses in the countryside due to its own benefits. Chiefly, life outside the city is much more peaceful and clean. People often seek population free places these days and like to stay away from busy city life. Furthermore house property is cheaper as compare to residential areas in big city and less congested. Countryside homes are even safe as compare to metro ones.
To conclude, although accommodation within city is wealth of opportunities it is happiness which matters whether the roof over someone's head is located in outskirts of city or within the city.
It is undeniable fact that significant rise in population is key factor influencing the construction of new houses. However, it is often argued whether houses should be set up in current cities or it is convenient to construct in rural areas. Nevertheless, in my contention, it is preferred to construct in the country side.
Apparently, building new cities in countryside holds constructive benefits. First and foremost, constructing house in countryside not only going to considerably benefit in geographical development, but also going to substantially contribute in economy development of country. To vindicate, as per BBC previous year report, in last decade rural areas has witnessed significant rise in corporate companies and industries as people has started migrating at countryside. Thereby, these industries will eventually be going to contribute in taxes. Secondly, unlike old times when limited resources were available, nowadays anything can be available with the help of a finger touch at phone as plethora of online shopping websites has made it very smooth. Subsequently, people can maintain their standard of living.
Furthermore, if people show some patience and bear some challenges for a while, they can reap the benefits of more employment and development. To corroborate, 70% people migrated from Toronto to Nova Scoticia due to very high rent and expenses in cities are enjoying exponential rise in salary at countryside and less expenses in just three years as published by wall street of journal. Moreover, are building new houses in countryside is budget friendly option than city? Certainly yes, people can build larger size of house in lesser amount in countryside. Seemingly, people can enjoy plethora of benefits in terms of day to day expenses and house rents.
To recapitulate, although building houses at countryside is quite challenging, its constructive ripples in terms of development, less expenses and more opportunities are unsurpassable. Needless to state, it is great option to build at countryside.