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Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Big businesses have large budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result people gravitate towards buying their products. what problems is this causing? what can be done to encourage people to buy local produce? IELTS | IELTS writing task-2

 Big businesses have large budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result people gravitate towards buying their products. what problems is this causing? what can be done to encourage people to buy local produce? 

Advertisement is the heart of the trade. It is the key to modern business. It is often argued that people are inclined to buy products form famous brands since they are well advertised. Apparently, it begets harrowing upshot on society. However, the collaborative efforts by government and an individual can help overcome this perennial issue.  

Fundamentally, it entails myriad detrimental ramifications. Chiefly, not only local vendors suffer loss at a large scale, but also it combats the employment opportunities in the market. To corroborate, according to BBC research, there has been exponential rise in the percentage of local shops which closed down in the market due to incurring losses at an unprecedented scale. Secondly, unlike the bygone days, in this day and age, having only big companies in the market to sell the products creates monopoly in the market which has a paramount significance in creating disbalance in the nation. Thus, the big brands setup the prices on their own and sell products at a much higher price. 

 Nevertheless, there are potential ways to curb this menace. First and foremost, successive governments should not only give financial assistance to the local shopkeepers, but also their shops and products should be well advertised by letting them put postures on the buses, trains, and other means of public transport. To illustrate, there has been a prolific increase in the sales of handcraft and pearl jewellery in Philippines since their government promoted the local business by giving them finance and tax incentives. Secondly, if the local vendors can give discounts and offers to people, their sales will increase by leaps and bounds. Seemingly, this will encourage people to buy their products. 

 To recapitulate, although local shopkeepers suffer due to luring customers by big companies yet prudence will prevail if a concerted efforts by both an individual and government is taken to check the menace.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

IELTS | IELTS writing task-2 | Some countries achieve international sports by building specialised facilities to train top athletes, instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think this is positive or negative development? You should write at least 250 words.

 Some countries achieve international sports by building specialised facilities to train top athletes, instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think this is positive or negative development? You should write at least 250 words.

It is undeniable fact that international sporting events 

contribute greatly to fostering harmony and stability on a global scale. It is often argued that many nations win these events by providing special training to top players, rather than giving same facilities to everyone. However, in my opinion, it is constructive as well as destructive approach. 

 Apparently, exlusive training to deserving sports players hold a wide range of benefits. Firstly, it not only increases the chance to win ,but also bring other benefits to the country as well as player. For example, the Indian Sports Association revealed, after the implementation of special training programmes to the best players, increased the winning rate to a great extent and enhanced international relations with other nations. Moreover, it reduces the financial burden on government, especially on the developing ones. For instance, in India, there are more than 1 million players at international levels, if government provide expensive training to all these players, the economy of the country get impacted adversely and would have catastrophic repercussions such as dire poverty and hunger across the country. 

 On the other hand, it has various negative effects. Chielfly, the players, who are at their developing stage, might pratice long hours without using proper techniques and loose their moral to continue, as they find no improvement in their performance. Furthermore, it exacerbate the hardship of player who belongs to low socio-econoic status. For example, unlike rich player, the poor depends on government's support for his training and expensive sports equipment. If statutory bodies do not support these players at the initial stage , the chances of becoming top player to reap the benefit of special training, would not be possible. 

 To recaptulate, although it has positive side, its negative side cannot be ignored. By managing the fund allocated wisely can help all the players equally.

Sunday, 11 February 2024

In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research history of one's own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development? IELTS | IELTS WRITING TASK-2


In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research history of one's own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Indubitably, history allows humans to understand the past and how it forms our present. In the contemporary world, there is an emerging curiosity among the people to explore their family history. Apparently, the governmental initiatives and the migration of individuals to other nations are the primary reasons to be considered. However, I believe this trend is highly beneficial for the society. 

 Fundamentally, the predominant factors that trigger it can be observed. To begin with, unlike native people, non-natives may have to suffer from bullying or isolation because of their unique cultural practices or appearance. To combat these situations, people delve into their generational history to come up with some valuable insights to prove their values as important as others. Moreover, the growing awareness campaigns on inclusive practices all over the world motivate individuals to know more about their past. As revealed by the Aboriginal Association of Australia, since the adoption of cultural inclusivity practices as a mandatory part of the educational curriculum in the childcare sector, the children have become more inclined towards their family values and started to explore more about their traditions. 

 Nevertheless, there is a wide range of constructive benefits to this phenomenon. First, knowledge of family history not only imbibes moral values but also makes the world a better place to live in. According to a survey conducted by the Social Welfare Association (SWA) in Australia, families who value their family traditions, take care of their elderly as their responsibility, despite the hassles of their life. Secondly, it might reveal the hidden treasures of every culture. Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medical practice, solved various modern medical problems. 

 In conclusion, the government’s efforts to restore the traditions of different cultures benefited society in numerous ways.


Indubitably, family is a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. It is believed that across the globe it has become conspicuous to investigate the background of their ancestors. Apparently, various factors breed its popularity. However, in my profound opinion, it entails detrimental ramifications.

Fundamentally, the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed. First and foremost, not only
it provides a strong sense of connection to the past, comprehending communities understand where they come from and how their family history has shaped their identity ,but also patrons can gain awareness of hereditary diseases within their family, enabling them to take early curative measures and prolifically increase their chances of living longer. Secondly, unlike neglecting, by exploring their origins, dwellers can adopt valuable techniques and avoid repetitive mistakes. On top of that, it aids in the preservation of cultural and familial career traditions, which can be enriching and educational for future generations at an unprecedented scale.

Nevertheless, I find this trend negative for numerous reasons. Chiefly, if people learn about their origin, it can lead to racial issues as people only want to interact with those from the same race or background.



Question Topic Time #1 Giving Advice 30s/90s  #2 Personal Experience 30s/60s #3 Describe a Scene 30s/60s #4 Make Predictions 30s/60s #5 Comp...