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Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Big businesses have large budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result people gravitate towards buying their products. what problems is this causing? what can be done to encourage people to buy local produce? IELTS | IELTS writing task-2

 Big businesses have large budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result people gravitate towards buying their products. what problems is this causing? what can be done to encourage people to buy local produce? 

Advertisement is the heart of the trade. It is the key to modern business. It is often argued that people are inclined to buy products form famous brands since they are well advertised. Apparently, it begets harrowing upshot on society. However, the collaborative efforts by government and an individual can help overcome this perennial issue.  

Fundamentally, it entails myriad detrimental ramifications. Chiefly, not only local vendors suffer loss at a large scale, but also it combats the employment opportunities in the market. To corroborate, according to BBC research, there has been exponential rise in the percentage of local shops which closed down in the market due to incurring losses at an unprecedented scale. Secondly, unlike the bygone days, in this day and age, having only big companies in the market to sell the products creates monopoly in the market which has a paramount significance in creating disbalance in the nation. Thus, the big brands setup the prices on their own and sell products at a much higher price. 

 Nevertheless, there are potential ways to curb this menace. First and foremost, successive governments should not only give financial assistance to the local shopkeepers, but also their shops and products should be well advertised by letting them put postures on the buses, trains, and other means of public transport. To illustrate, there has been a prolific increase in the sales of handcraft and pearl jewellery in Philippines since their government promoted the local business by giving them finance and tax incentives. Secondly, if the local vendors can give discounts and offers to people, their sales will increase by leaps and bounds. Seemingly, this will encourage people to buy their products. 

 To recapitulate, although local shopkeepers suffer due to luring customers by big companies yet prudence will prevail if a concerted efforts by both an individual and government is taken to check the menace.

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