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Tuesday, 12 March 2024

IELTS writing task-2 | People aim to achieve a balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of this problem? How to overcome it?

 People aim to achieve a balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of this problem? How to overcome it?

Indubitably, work-life imbalance is a pressing issue. It has increased at an alarming rate. It is believed that of many, there a couple of people who manage to attain work-life balance. Apparently, demanding work culture and high expectations are to be blamed for this phenomenon. However, joint efforts by organizations and individuals can overcome this situation. 

Fundamentally, the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed. To begin with, not only people have over-achieving goals and mindset, but they also end up working in an environment that demands overtime which wreak havoc on them. To corroborate, as per Bloomberg, 87% of the employees work beyond their routine 8 hours paid job. Secondly, unlike old times when it was merely impossible to connect with people post their working hours, in the modern times, due to the advancement in technology everyone is just a call or a text message away. Most of the employees have official applications like Outlook, MS Teams, WhatsApp for Business, etcetera installed in their personal phones which keeps them deviated from their personal time and space.

Nevertheless, there are potential ways to curb the menace. Chiefly, if organizations set official policies to not allow employees work during their unofficial hours, this could lead to a significant decrease in their over-time hours, and they could reap the benefits of higher productivity. To vindicate, as per Toronto post, 89% of employees who work beyond their regular hours have lower productivity and show an exponential rise in the mental or physical illness. Furthermore, does it not fall upon individuals to set their priorities? Certainly, yes. Since, people need to understand the paramount significance of family and loved ones in this fast-paced world. Also, they need to manage their time well to cope up with the workload and professional burden. 

Suffix to say, society must take curative measures to prevent the problem from deteriorating further. Although a myriad of partial fixes exists for this issue yet a permanent solution is still out of reach.

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