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Saturday, 23 July 2022

New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? IELTS WRITING TASK-2 | IELTS

 New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Indubitably, there is paradigm shift in the lifestyle. It is often argued that the world has witnessed revolutionary inventions in terms of science and technology which has partly altered the way children spend their leisure time. However, even though this practice brings about a mixed bag of both boon and bane, demerits outshines merits.

Apparently, outbreak of modernistic technologies set entails myriad detrimental ramifications. First and foremost, if children are glued to the computers all day long, they would not participate in actual conversations. Hence, would develop an anti-social personality. For instance, per Forbes magazine, the younger demographic falls into anti-social personality. Secondly, does it effect their health? Certainly yes, since it involves zero degree of physical activity and eyes on desktop all the time, makes them obese and their eyesight also gets weak. Consequently, it had deteriorating effects on their health in the long run. Thirdly, unlike some traditional games which are passed from one generation to another which represent a link between generations, these novel games emphasize negative themes and promote foul language and obscene gestures. Hence, younglings become numb to violence, imitate the violence, and show more aggressive behavior. 

Nevertheless, it holds constructive benefits. Chiefly, some video games promote both learning, problem solving and help with the development of fine motor skills and coordination. Furthermore, not only children get well acquainted with the rudimentary mechanism of computer system ,but also with its operation which would eventually benefit them in their career at an unprecedented scale. 

To recapitulate, although it has constructive ripples, it’s inherited downsides in terms of health and academics is unsurpassable. Needless to state, cons massively tide over pros. 

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