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Saturday, 30 January 2021

It is suggested that everyone wants to have car , tv, and fridge. Do you think that disadvantages for society outweighs advantages? IELTS I IELTS WRITING TASK-2


It is suggested that everyone  wants to have car , tv, and fridge. Do you think that disadvantages for society outweighs advantages?

Indubitably, the quest for material possession keep the society going and has a paramount significance in our life. It is believed that, in the modern era of electronic equipment and means of transportation ,things like TV, fridge, and car are luxuries of yesteryear’s and have become the necessities of today. However, even though this practise brings about a mixed bag of both boon and bane, in my opinion for  the long term their  benefits are eclipsed by their limitation.

Fundamentally, on the constructive part, society is blessed with plethora of benefits because of presence of which are worth mentioning. To begin with the fact that the electronic products such as television, refrigerators and vehicles are an integral part of life nowadays. For instance, Television is a source of information and favourite pass time for many people. Seemingly, to stay in touch with current affairs and watch movies, dramas and talk shows in leisure public prefer to have television at home. Secondly, some folks, feel uncomfortable on public transport and give precedence to self- owned vehicles over buses, trams and trains. Moreover, having one transport provide people an edge as they are not dependent on schedule of city transport and travelling to remote areas could be possible as well. Thirdly, refrigerators are highly useful for storing perishable food items and keep them consumable for long time. Furthermore, in order to store tempting products such as ice creams, chocolates and any ,more along with daily meals refrigerators are required. Lastly, owing to demand for such things, the national economy is boosted on broader spectrum. Subsequently, manufacturing units provide round-the -clock employment to thousands of people to produce things in bulk. At the outset consumers can reap the huge benefits when the demand is more and mass production is done, therefore, the cost of things is cut down.

On the destructive part, there appears to be potential shortcoming from this trend. Chiefly, this has a detrimental effects on mental health as people have become workaholics and are missing out on the joys of family and social life. Sometimes, people even adopt unethical means to get these things and this leads to crime and violence. Consequently, it has become an imminent threat to mind psychology as people becoming obsessed with over- materialism and people start wanting tv in each room and a car per person in a house. Additionally, it has dismal consequences for the environment. Manufacturers promote their products through ads and people are lured in to buying new things even without need. Henceforth, it is bitter truth that a society in which consumption is artificially stimulated in order to keep production going is society is a house built upon sand. Even the rampant use of refrigerator is also considered a precursor of depletion of ozone layer which can reduce protection from ultraviolet rays.


Suffice to say that albeit, necessity of attaining such things can be obvious in order to have better life style. The pros of comfortable travelling, storage of food and connection to outer world weigh up the cons of negatives consequences such as, traffic jam, climatic change and health issues due to their utilisation beyond the limits. Thus , having this stems can make life easygoing if used in moderation.


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