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Saturday, 30 January 2021

These days ,an increasing number of developing countries are improving their tourism industries why do you think is the case? is this a positive or negative development? ielts I IELTS WRITING TASK-2


These days ,an increasing number of developing countries are improving their tourism industries why do you think is the case? is this a positive or negative development?

Indubitably, tourism is already a huge industry and this is expanding even more rapidly in developing countries. Admittedly, many developing countries have taken extensive initiatives to expand their tourism and thus many of them have gained a considerable amount of popularity in this industry. Apparently, various factors breed its popularity. However, it is constructive trend.


Fundamentally, the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed. To begin with, tourism industry has paramount significance in everyone life, many developing countries are expanding their tourism. Subsequently, popularity and exposure to world are the contributing factors for the expansion of tourism industry. For instances, Malaysia is well known Asian country and the expansion of their tourism sector has established this popularity. Secondly, tourism industry brings a huge amount of foreign money that can be used for the development of the country. To exemplify, developing countries like Thailand, China and Spain are earning a huge amount of foreign money. Thirdly, tourism actually increases the business opportunities of a country and henceforth, many countries are having a better trade relationship with developed countries only because the tourist of western world came to visit such countries first. Eventually, tourism creates a numerous job opportunities for local people and give the host country an excellent opportunity to develop their infrastructure.


Nevertheless, i find this trend positive for multifarious reasons. Chiefly, in this era of globalization countries cannot shut their door to the foreigners. Seemingly, this is the age of technology and we can fly to any place within few hours, most of the people travel to various destinations and which has substantial contribution towards economy of countries. To exemplify, the 2017 Economic impact report by world travel and tourism council indicates that the industry generates one out of 10 jobs worldwide, growing at a pace that outperforms employment in the global economy for the sixth consecutive years. Additionally, tourism has been alternative to agriculture to survive local residents. consequently, in favour of governments, visiting important sites and monuments will be able to contribute to the economy of the country with the money they spend on a wide range of goods and services ,such as paying money to these sites through the tax system, as a result, this would certainly promote the nation’s cultural heritage and important buildings.


Suffice to say that , Albeit the emerge of tourism creates a constructive ripples in economic values,  forming new occupations, and eco-friendly. Yet government should take a coercive steps to control cultural loss, environment degradation and increasing 


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