I Am A Blessed person
Thank you Heavenly Father , I Am Blessed out ! When I started counting my Blessings My whole life centres around my family : a word of togetherness, love, affection and warmth.

My Great Hero, My Dad is a handsome, strong-willed, tender-hearted , one-of-kind personality . He indoctrinates principle like persistent hard work and self confidence in life will definitely lead to success. I always get Goose bumps when I hear my Father’s success stories. Being courageous is a top notch attribute that has been implanted by him in his offspring. Since my girlhood, Dadyji primarily galvanize Education is your real treasure . During my university Education he used to wake me up at 5 in morning with cup of Tea.

He is a business Tycoon n capitalism runs in his veins. When I started my journey as IELTS.NishaGarg , foremost thing He asked me : why students will approach you? what extra, unique you will provide to them ? To be very frank I was speechless that time, had a deep contemplation over it n finally comprehended my supremacy and put them forefront. He is my torch-bearer. My day is incomplete without having discussion with him.
Making Headway towards My Mother. God can not be everywhere so He created Mothers

My Both Brother-in-law is the emblem of compassion , serenity. They are mainstay of family. I pause here to shout out my heartfelt gratitude towards them. Clinching my every desire, making my weekends extra special, embolden me to grab the opportunities . They both are actually my unfailing companions of life.

What makes a home more lively n cheerful ? Without any shadow of doubt it’s siblings. I am blessed with two elder sisters n a younger brother . They both are actually women behind my wardrobe.

Believe Me, i have never enrolled myself for personality development classes , the prime reason being is my sisters. How to present yourself, how to be an attention seeker, how to groom your strengths ? it was all been taken care of by my sisters. Even today, the notes that I provide in spoken English classes is of Mamta Di, though the pages has turned yellow but the spark in material will remain evergreen. The dancing skills which Neetu Di has inculcated in me since childhood is commendable. The way she plays with her facial expression is incredible.

Driving towards Raghav, my younger brother . He is an apple of eye, an embodiment of sophistication, matureness, manhood. Once daily he delivers me lecture on to be self- reliant . He vehemently advocates , My dear sister “be happy n spread happiness all around “.

How can i forget to mention the Tiny Tots of family. On every special occasion they make card for me . Listening to their melodious voices, watching their notorious videos lierally act as stress buster . It provides mental relaxation and satisfaction. It rejuvenates my mind.

Thank you Lord for your countless Blessings . I am lost in love and wonder.
I request to all the readers, Today, think about the many ways God has blessed you. But don’t be silent in your gratitude. Praise Him. Thank Him. Serve Him.
Author: Ielts.NishaGarg
Hummble words