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Wednesday 16 October 2024




Vocabulary Topics

  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Culture
  • Law and Order
  • Defence
  • Economy
  • Health
  • History
  • Fashion
  • Work : at office, from home
  • Natural disasters
  • Science and technology
  • Demographics
  • Family structures
  • Journalism
  • Protests
  • Justice

 Grammar Topics

  • A variety of linkers or connectors
  • Logical articulators: hypothesis, opposition, condition, cause, consequence
  • Subjunctive present and past
  • Verbs + subjunctive or infinitive
  • The conjunction + subjunctive or infinitive
  • Impersonal forms to express different degrees of certainty
  • Prepositional verbs
  • Prepositional Adjectives
  • Complex relative pronouns
  • Simple past
  • Dependant clauses in future and past tenses
  • The present participle
  • The present and past conditional
  • Nominalization

 Speaking Topics

  • Comment on an abstract thought
  • Approve, disapprove, justify one’s point of view
  • Oppose, highlight, insist, demonstrate and analyze
  • Make assumptions, express the probability
  • State the advantages and disadvantages
  • Initiate, continue and end a conversation
  • Rephrase and papraphrase
  • Understand and convey others’ opinions
  • Summarize texts with clear demarcations of key arguments

 Sociocultural Topics

  • Different registers : formal, informal gestures
  • Argumentative structure of discourse
  • Speaking: Interrupting someone, clarifying, convincing
  • The difference between the professional and political world
  • Communication skills:
  • Giving and understanding a formal speech
  • Written communication at work
  • Variety of letters ( formal and informal) to authorities, superiors, editor etc.

By the End of LEVEL B2 you will be able to do the following :

  • Can understand most television news and news broadcasts.
  • Can understand fairly long lectures and speeches, and even follow complex argumentation if the subject is relatively familiar.
  • Can read articles and reports on a variety of issues.
  • Can enjoy watching movies.
  • Can understand contemporary prose texts.
  • Can communicate with a native speaker spontaneously and fluently to be able to have an efficient interaction.
  • Can actively participate in a conversation about familiar situations.
  • Can express and defend own point of view.
  • Can present ideas in a detailed and well-explained manner.
  • Can talk about the pros and cons of any subject matter and take a standpoint.
  • Can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of topics.
  • Can write an essay or report conveying ideas for or against a given topic.
  • Can write letters to accept and propose events and explain personal experiences.
  • FRENCH B1 level course SYLLABUS



    Vocabulary Topics

    • Personal life & routine activities: describing family, interpersonal relationship, hobbies, going out, shopping, transport, travel, accommodation, authorities
    • People: their physical appearance, health, character, clothes
    • Feelings: happiness, sadness, disappointment, worries, fear, regret, surprise, curiosity, indifference
    • Places: city, countryside, regions, natural reserves
    • Events: meetings, narrating incidents, accident, natural phenomena, past happenings
    • Work: work profiles, job types, designation, employee roles & benefits, employment exchange
    • School: school system, courses, modules, levels
    • Media: TV programmes, newspapers, Internet, print & visual media, journals
    • Books: short stories, novels, magazines, weekly, monthly, comics, fables
    • Current affairs: daily life, news, stories, social trends
    • Leisure: cinema, theatre, painting, shows

     Grammar Topics

    • Past tenses, Agreement of Past participle with the subject and the Direct Object
    • Future tenses
    • Present conditional: wish and hypothetical events
    • Past conditional: regret and hypothesis
    • Reported Speech: In present and past
    • Subjunctive
    • Active-Passive Voice
    • Gerunds and present participle
    • IF conditions
    • Double pronouns
    • Pronouns : Relative, Possessive, Demonstrative
    • Impersonal phrases and verbs with il :Il est interdit de, Il est utile de, Il est important de
    • Adverbs: time, manner, place, frequency
    • Comparatives & Superlatives of adjectives and adverbs
    • Negations
    • Connectors / Conjunctions and articulators: Cause, Consequence, Opposition

     Speaking Topics

    • Introduce someone: Talk about your daily routine
    • Describe a person – Physical appearance, Character
    • Health problems
    • Describe an object, place, natural phenomenon, society
    • Make comparisons, express opinions
    • Ask someone for information or request a review
    • Ask for advice or suggestion, take or grant permission
    • Ask for a service: Make Claims
    • Give instructions and advice
    • Acceptance and refusal / agreement or disagreement
    • Locate events in time : Indicate the origin, the moment of an action and its duration
    • Express feelings/ justify tastes, preferences and his interests
    • Complain about a product or service
    • Express an opinion / judgment, possibility, certainty and doubt
    • Talking about the past: news item, personal experience, a story (real or fictitious)
    • Talk about the future : wishes, intentions, plans, projects, forecasts
    • Argue, analyze, convince, give solution
    • Participate in a conversation, start, continue and end a conversation

     Sociocultural Topics

    • Different registers : formal, informal gestures
    • Argumentative structure of discourse
    • Speaking: Interrupting someone, clarifying, convincing
    • The difference between the professional and political world
    • Communication skills:
    • Giving and understanding a formal speech
    • Written communication at work
    • Variety of letters ( formal and informal) to authorities, superiors, editor etc.

    By the End of Level B1 you will be able to do the following :

  • Understand and write down key points if they are familiar topics relating to work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Understand the content and essence of many radio or television broadcasts on current affairs or subjects of personal or professional interest.
  • Read and understand texts written mainly about familiar routine topics and job-related texts.
  • Describe events, express feelings, and wishes in informal letters/ e-mails, etc.
  • Write simple, straightforward text on familiar topics or of personal interest.
  • Express personal experiences, events, dreams, hopes, or goals.
  • Briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions or plans.
  • Discuss a story or the plot of a book or movie and give reactions.
  • Cope with the majority of situations one might encounter in a French-speaking region.
  • Possess enough linguistic knowledge and sufficient vocabulary to deal with a variety of familiar topics such as family, leisure, and centers of interest, work, travel, and news.
  • Present a series of short, simple, and distinct elements in a clear, organized, and coherent way


      FRENCH B2 LEVEL Vocabulary Topics Politics Religion Education Environment Culture Law and Order Defence Economy Health History Fashion Wor...