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Tuesday, 17 May 2022

The price of train tickets continues to rise in many cities. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve them? IELTS | IELTS writing task-2

 The price of train tickets continues to rise in many cities. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Indubitably, mammoth rise in fairs for train travelling at an unprecedented scale has become a burning issue. It has increased at an alarming rate worldwide. Apparently, fueling prices and never ending taxes are to be blamed for this universal phenomenon. However, it can be eradicated by providing a slew of remedial measures. 

Fundamentally, the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed. To begin with, sudden rise in gas prices not only begets harrowing upshots on transport system, but also it lefts the commuters who believe that train is the best and cheap source for travelling in dilemma. For instance, according to BBC recent survey there is increase in 2% fairs per kilometres in this year as compared to last decade and the root cause is definitely the unbearable taxes and use of non renewable sources which are on the verge of extinction thus leads to inflation.Secondly, unlike the bygone days, in the contemporary era, westernization and modernization has brought paradigm shift in the life style of people as to go for jobs they have to travel through trains which is way more faster than bus services land.

Nevertheless, there are certain ways to curb this menace. Cheifly, prudence will prevail if regime take intiative to reduce taxes on railways and should speed up the process of innovation to introduce new technologies in train system  to use less fuel and work  more on superconductors which will exponentially increase the efficiency and leads to less expenditure of fuel. To corroborate, national council of research published a report that in Japan scientist working on new technology to make train work more faster with minimal use of fuel and cheap fairs. In addition, authorities should spend more money on bus systems so that folks get encourage to use other means of transport.

Suffice to say, although there are myriad partial fixes to solve this issue yet a permanent solution is still out of reach in developing countries

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