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Saturday, 30 April 2022

Some think that politicians should always be honest while others feel that there are times when they must lie. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. IELTS | IELTS WRITING TASK-2

 Some think that politicians should always be honest while others feel that there are times when they must lie. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

The age of renaissance have brought in the ideas for a nation like secular, sovereign, socialist, republic which in turn became the foundation stone of the democracy and politics. Like every other governing bodies, democratic body is made up of peoples representative commonly known as politician who are expected to be morally and ethically strong. However, there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society vehemently believes that the politicians should be honest in every decision and information they  share with the public while others emphasize that there is a need  for limited transparency for greater good of the nation. 

Apparently, various factors make a section of people advocate that the politicians should completely be transparent with the public and have many reasons to substantiate it. First and foremost, an honest politician not only shares the truth with the public ,but also make them aware of their rights, and help them take a stand on the decisions taken by the government and oppose if needed. To vindicate, India have recently passed the farm bill which was said to be in the interest of businessperson, in such a scenario it was the political leaders who educated the public on the existence and after effect of the governments decision which lead to protest and the decision to pass the bill was taken back. Secondly, unlike secrecy, transparency also increases peoples trust on the government especially in the nation where majority of the public is below the desired literacy rate. 

Nevertheless, some believe that the politician should practice limited transparency for myriad reasons. Chiefly, decisions on international affairs and economy does not directly relate to the common public and require complete opacity until the objective is accomplished. To vindicate, India is one of the biggest defense buyer in the world and decisions based on the defense purchase should not be disclosed as the neighboring countries can approach to UN and interfere in the deal. Furthermore, cross border defense operations can only be conducted by the decision of government. Hence, any information breech can create the chaos in and among nation. According to BBC report, all the defense operations conducted across the globe were successful only if these were conducted under complete secrecy and the logistics were performed under cover at night. Additionally, does politician help the nation in its development by lying or producing false information in front of the public? Certainly yes, in India its quite common to have heated argument on the basis of cast, or religion even inside the parliament. Under such circumstances, if the news is released to the public there may be a wide spread chaos in the society which may lead to civil war like situations. 

In my profound opinion, politician should not lie and maintain complete transparency with the general public, but at times it becomes necessary to hide the information if helps the society in maintaining peace and harmony.

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