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Friday, 17 April 2020

In some countries fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products . Discuss its advantages and disadvantages?

In  some countries fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products . Discuss its advantages and disadvantages?


SAMPLE ANSWER : It is an undeniable fact that over the decade fast food and supermarket products outrageously gaining popularity all over the globe and this type of food and materials are prestigious part of our modern life. It is often argued that in numerous nations  fast food outlets should give fiscal amount to educational institutes for marketing their products . However, it is constructive as well as destructive trend.

Apparently, advertisement of multifarious restaurants and supermarkets in schools have wide range of constructive benefits. To begin with, it is an inevitable contributing factor which help the school financially. So that institutes can modernize their libraries and extra-curriculum activities area for the victimization of students. Yet another, the paramount significant benefit of this tendency is that pupils aware about the products in market it is helpful to enhance their curiosity because they know about the advance technology games and toys and also collect the knowledge of worldwide famous cuisines in their early life. For instance , BBC published a survey in which it was mentioned that at the age of  13 years 53% younglings already know about versatile food in the market and also know every ingredients which is used for food. Eventually,  it is also conducive to eager intellectual ability of students because with the marketing of products in schools  they collect the data and  the make assignment how this restaurants and supermarkets are conspicuously responsible of the economic growth of a country

Do incessantly proliferation of this food and  products always bring irrefutable outcomes? Certainly not. Because advent of this thing breed nothing but discordance .  Moreover, emphatically use of fast food and video games gives detrimental effects on innocent kids lives.  Needle to say, fast food is the root cause of obtaining the issue of obesity among the striplings in their very early age of life. Incontestably, marketing of junk food at school consistently rising the interest of younglings to eat this high calories food  ostensibly this food is scrumptious but it moderately reduce the metabolism and immune system.  As a consequence, children are facing various health issues like, food poisoning , diabetes and chubby body . Allegedly , vigorously boosting of  supermarket products such as toys and video games generate inherited drawback on the financial stability of a middle class family because after seeing this products children persist their parents to buy that games for them. Furthermore,  in this ultra modern epoch,  adolescence already living a sedentary life style if they seeing fast food and indoor games promotion instead of healthy life style. It will become a serious issue in society.

Having dwelled on such thought it is concluded that health is wealth, advertisement of such food and supermarket product at school has numerous benefits but we cannot neglect that it has catastrophic effect on our children lives also.

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