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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Nowadays, people are living on increasingly longer life and in many countries there are more old people than young people. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? IELTS I WRITING TASK-2

Nowadays, people are living on increasingly longer life and in many countries there are more old people than young people. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Owing to the rapid progress in medical techniques, the life expectancy rate indubitably has been surged, the world over. It is often argued that, in numerous nation ratio of senior citizens is higher than the younger generation. However, it is a mixed bag of both boon and bane.

On the constructive part, society is blessed with the numerous benefits because of the presence of any valuable store houses of wisdom which are worth mentioning. To begin with, graying society is blessed with the multifarious cerebral knowledge and experiences of their life which they can certainly use to redirect the nation's financial downturns. To exemplify, in Canada multi-corporation often believe in hiring employees above 55 years who can foretell the coming crisis from their analyzation thereby playing the influential role in curbing the loss of the company. Secondly, pensioners plays substantial role in channelizing the energy of youngling towards positive direction who are in sheer need due to the incessantly looming large pressure of their job obligation and personal relationships. For instance, in countries like USA, India golden age people are recruited more often now than in the past at the designation of spiritual influencers and counselors who are significantly uplifting the juveniles from depression and other mental issue through proper advices and solutions. Conspicuously senior society is proving to be a strongest weapon which is curtailing mankind social and mental menaces and proliferating one country fiscal revenue.

On the destructive path, there appears to be potential shortcomings for this trend. Chiefly, there has been witnessed certain delays in the development of countries in terms of infrastructure, cultivation of jobs and removal in pauperism as the major section of budget of the country is invested in fostering the older society. Seemingly, scarcity of resources occurs due to the increase in population of senior society. Besides this, younger generation are obliged legally to deduct 40% tax annually from their salaries which is quite unacceptable according to their perceptions which often stimulates animosity towards central authorities and elderly public. Subsequently, these are some of inherited implication of constantly augmenting of older people, the world over.

Suffice to say, taking benefits from their lifetime wisdom is a gradually a win-win situation for society, however, paying subsidies for their care from the public salaries is a dismal consequence.

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