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Thursday, 2 April 2020

Nowadays people like to use new electronic equipment. Is it positive or negative development? IELTS I WRITING TASK-2

Nowadays people like to use new electronic equipment.
Is it positive or negative development?

Indubitably world has witnessed revolutionary inventions in terms of science and technology with electronic gadgets being more prominent (among masses). It is often argued, in this ultra modern epoch, youngsters spend their time with electronic equipment because of its continuing(incessant) trend. However ,it is constructive and (as well as) destructive trend.

Apparently, using electronic equipment hold (writer wrote holds) wide range of constructive benefits. To begin with ,a contributing factor is that invention of gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, tablets ease(facilitate) people socially and professionally through social media such as what's app, facebook , instagram, twitter etcetera. Secondly, these electronic devices make a paradigm shift having a mushroom growth. These are designed to save money and make people (relatively)more fast and accurate. Using electronic machines we can do(perform) task (errands) much easier (conveniently). For example ,in past time it used to take(consume) ample  time  of mother to wash clothes by hands but with the help (commencement) of washing machines, consumes less time and also saves energy of her. Thirdly, manufacturing organizations(units) are able to increase their output (production) with technology advancement which has resulted in more(stiff) competition in terms of rates(prices).

On the contrary ,it is(Is it) always benefited considerably to use these autonomous devices? Certainly no, because of myriad reasons. Chiefly, all the activities which require energy and burn calories are presently doing(done) by these devices make us slacker. Excessive usage of electronic gadgets adversely affect health. For example (for instance) watching TV and mobile phones weaken eyesight. Besides this ,usage of electronic machines in factories create noise and (air)pollution in the environment. Even today earth is on highest level of pollution in its history. Moreover, new generation gives more significance (priority) to electronic gadgets rather than spending time with family which creates differences between personal relationships(which is creating family distancing and rift in relationships)

To conclude ,in my perspective it is mixed bag of both boon and bane .
People should use electronic equipment properly (according to necessity) and incorporate some physical activity.

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