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Friday, 14 May 2021

Describe an argument between two of your friends | IELTS | IELTS speaking latest cue card

 Describe an argument between two of your friends. You should say

  • When did it happen?
  • How did they solve it?
  • What do you think about it?
Arguments have become part and parcel of everyone’s life. Today I would like to talk about the time when my two bosom friends argued with each other. 

It was on my last birthday,17th June 2020, when I invited all my companions to celebrate this gala day wholeheartedly. Although we are birds of a feather who flock together, two of my mates had a strong discussion on paramount significance of friends and family in our life. Where Yakshita was consistently stressing family being fundamental while Alisha was supporting friendship. 
this discussion quickly turns into a conflict and started arguing with each other for quite some time. They did stop until I step into. To b honest, it was difficult to convince them first but I made them realise both the family and friends are the indispensable for the individual in accordance to the nature of support or help required from them. Each of them has its own paramount significance and substantial contribution with myriad of advantages in every tiny step of the life. we can not ignore the family members and at the same time  friends too.

I felt great that I taught them a lesson of life. 

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow up Questions

Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to cue card “Describe an argument between two of your friends”.

1. Do you think arguments are important?

There is no denying this conviction that arguments sometimes consume a lot of time. Yet arguments are significant because they help us in clearing our doubts. Moreover, through arguments, people can highlight various issues affecting our society.

 2. What do family members generally argue about?

3. Is it easier for you to have arguments with your friends or your family members?

4. Do you think people should change the way they think when they have arguments?

Yes, people need to have a drastic change in their thinking process while having arguments. Because their central focus should be on finding a solution through debate, rather than winning the argument.

5. If two people argue, do you think a third person should be involved in the settlement?

If the argument is going towards a healthy debate, then the third party should not intervene. However, if the argument is leading to an altercation then the third person should enter the debate and diffuse the situation.

6.Why do you think people are stubborn and unwilling to change?

Most people have certain habits which become an integral part of their lives. They think that by remaining adamant, they can prove their point in a better way. Moreover, they resist change because it prompts them to come out of their comfort zone.

7. Do you think you are stubborn?

Earlier I used to be a stubborn person. However, with age, I have learned that stubbornness restricts your growth, and it widens the gap between you and your near and dear ones. That’s why I chose to remain flexible.




Question Topic Time #1 Giving Advice 30s/90s  #2 Personal Experience 30s/60s #3 Describe a Scene 30s/60s #4 Make Predictions 30s/60s #5 Comp...