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Monday, 17 May 2021

Doctors recommend that older people should get regular exercise.However many older people do not take enough exercise. What could be reason for this? What can be done to encourage them to exercise? | IELTS | IELTS writing task-2

 Doctors recommend that older people should  get regular exercise.However many older people do not take enough exercise. What could be reason for this? What can be done to encourage them to exercise?

In the modern era, experts vehemently suggest elderly to indulge in physical activity. It is often argued that older people take less interest in doing exercise. Apparently, modernization and westernization are to be blamed for this trending phenomenon. However, the collaborative efforts by the government and an individual can overcome this perennial issue.
Fundamentally  the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed. First and foremost, not only there has been an exponential rise in the construction of houses and complexes in the residential areas ,but also there is a scarcity of the parks or gardens for a free space to walk.To vindicate according to the BBC research it has been revealed that 75% of the elderlies become lethargic enough to go for a walk as the footpath areas are far away in the outskirts. Secondly, unlike the bygone days when the immunity and the physical strength were sturdy and bold for the older people, these days due to the unhealthy lifestyle, there is a fear of injury in old aged people. Therefore, they have become reluctant to go for any physical exercise or core activities.

Nevertheless, there are potential ways to curb this menace. Chiefly, if the government initiates an agenda of building more and more parks in the residential areas, the older peple would become energentic and engaging towards the physical activities. To corroborate, according to the BBC research in the year 2019 there was a rise in the senior citizens going for a walk on daily basis in Delhi. Furthermore, the grandparents are closely attached with their grandchildren, if they are encouraged by them for light physical activities like yoga and walk , they would commence it without the fear of exertion. Hence, the grandchildren could give considerable contribution to rejuvenate their grandparents life.

To recapitulate, although there are myriad reasons for the elderlies to not exercise regularly by developing a fear of injury at old age and not having enough footpath area to walk around yet there can be innumerable ways to motivate them to begin the routine with less strenous exercises.




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