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Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Nowadays people of all ages from certain parts of the world spend most time at home rather than going outdoors. Discuss the reasons ? is this negative or positive development? | IELTS | IELTS writing task-2

Nowadays people of all ages from certain parts of the world spend most time at home rather than going outdoors. Discuss the reasons ? is this negative or positive development?

 It is believed that almost everyone are not stepping outdoors and instead putting up in homes. Apparently, various  factors breeds its popularity. However, I find this constructive trend.

Fundamentally, the predominant factors that evidently trigger can be observed. To begin with, not only China, but also the entire world got hit by Coronavirus pandemic causing massive health issues and deaths. To validate, as per Forbes coronavirus has caused over million deaths across the world and still counting. Secondly, there is an exponential rise in fear among people that if they step out, it will put risk to their lives and staying home is an only option left unlike the old time when people were able to roam freely. Incontestably, General people cannot afford to get themselves treated and suffer and not going out unless it's an emergency seems to be only sensible thing to do.


Nevertheless, I find this trend constructive due to multifarious reasons. Chiefly, the idea  of staying home is although getting boring as social life is cut entirely yet it gave ample of time to spend quality time with family and giving sufficient time for oneself specially for those who are working from home. To corroborate, as per BBC more than 10 million people are able to spend time with family due to stay at home trend. Additionally, pandemic also created a rise in local businesses and some strata of society could actually do productive things thus proving to be blessing in disguise.

To recapitulate, staying at home is the only sensible option and have become a privilege in the times  when people are mourning due to corona time and are facing really tough times.




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