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Friday, 27 March 2020

cause-solution | IELTS | writing task-2 Many old historic buildings are in danger and destroyed in many parts of the world. What are the main reasons? How to protect them ?

Many old historic buildings are in danger and destroyed in many parts of the world. What are the main reasons? How to protect them ? 


Ancient monuments are often regraded as natural treasure and they considered to be the backdoor of our ancestors.Lamentably, in today's time several old buildings of historical importance are incessantly being collapsed down and few other left are in grave peril.Apparently lack of maintenance funds and neglect ion  attitude towards these buildings are to be blamed for this universal phenomenon.However it can be cleverly eradicated provided a slew off remedial measures are taken up.

Fundamentally,the predominant factors that evidently trigger it can be observed.To begin with,shortage of capital to fosters these old historic sites is the key influencing factor due to which these old buildings are not able to be preserved by administration.To exemplify , in countries like India, Sri Lanka government last year took a back foot in maintaining these palatial buildings by stating that their financial  budget is used to support education,eradicating pauperism and building new infrastructure for railways.Secondly, due to disinterest in the public to visit these ancient places plays substantial contribution in vanishing these buildings from the world's map.For instance,it has been scrutinized that nowadays people are more inclined towards visiting multiplexes and shopping malls relative to the museums,and panoramas.Conspicuously , these are some of key highlighting reasons behind the demolish of old monuments.

Nevertheless,there are potential ways to curb this looming large menace.Chiefly,local government should sign memorandum of understanding (Mou) with private firms in regard to look after the operation and maintenance of palatial sites.For example nations like China have initiated hand -in-hand agreement in which both the private company and local administration are subsiding the running cost of ancient sites.Besides this,government should reinforce the educational bodies to organise frequent multifarious field trips,and educational tours which not only will stimulate the  interest of the students to visit these places but also in all they will be gradually get connected to our culture and traditions.

Having dwelled on such thoughts ,it is concluded that ancient buildings are the store house of knowledge and culture which incontestably is the accountability of higher authorities to save these sites from being dismantling.

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